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Experience the authentic Geneva National lifestyle by taking it for a test drive with our customized

Experience Package. Stay on-property, explore the Member's Club, tee off on the legendary tracks, and make connections with new friends and nature. See what it's like to wake up to the sound of sandhill cranes calling overhead and the sight of deer silently critiquing a golfer's chip shot. Experience Geneva National,

a truly welcoming Midwestern lifestyle community. 

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There is more of a relaxed vacation vibe here than the high gloss you might expect at other club communities. Getting to know your neighbor and spending quality time with family take priority, whether it's on the playground, the links or the lake. Experience this authentic Geneva National lifestyle by taking it for a test drive with our customized  Experience Package. 


See what it's like to wake up to the sound of sandhill cranes calling overhead and the sight of deer silently critiquing a golfer's chip shot. Experience the Member's Club, make connections with new friends, and explore ownership at Geneva National, a truly welcoming Midwestern lifestyle community. 

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